Our Mission:


Our mission is to cultivate a culture where an individual can be themselves, walk in their purpose, and know that, with confidence, that they are more than enough.


Our Vision:


Our vision is to reduce suicide and self-harm rates amongst the youth population worldwide by providing them with the proper tools and empowering them to unapologetically be great.


Our Goal:


Our goal is to provide the youth with an outlet to reduce stress and properly manage anger, disappointment and uncertainty. We will begin by outreach events, with the hopes of a recreational center in major cities within the next two years, and inpatient centers in the next 5-10 years with in house physicians.



Our programs and events are designed to mentor , encourage, and empower the youth as they step into their life's purpose. We sponsor fun social events, mentoring programs, counseling, and provide college information for those who are looking to graduate soon.


Tiffany has over ten years in the medical field. While working with pediatrics for over seven years, she began to notice an increase in the suicidal rates in the adolescent population. SEE MORE....


We are always looking for dedicated people who share our passion. You can help by chaperoning events, mentoring our youth, lending a child an ear, or donating.